We don't seem to know very much about the childhood of Jesus.
I have always been intrigued by the thought that there were other children in the family. How often is the second child challenged and frustrated by trying to measure up to an older sibling? The other children in the lineup also face this situation. Perhaps they hear, "Why can't you be like your brother (or sister)?"
Just think what it would be like, however, to have a perfect older brother. That would be one you really could not measure up to. I'm sure the sinful nature of His brothers kept them from really seeing that Jesus was indeed as good as he really was. It took something earth shaking (Well, there was an earthquake at the time of the crucifixion, wasn't there?) to bring them to the realization of the truth. The fact of the Resurrection impacted them all, just like it does all the rest of us who have become believers throughout history.
Just think about it. Jesus was subject unto his parents. He was subject unto them even though He knew more than they did. He was subject unto them even though they were sinful (and He was not!).
What thoughts and insights do you have concerning the childhood of Jesus? Please post your comments under the "Week 3 Posts" entry in the Preachers Meeting blog.
Wow! This was free. It was a post for another blog called "Preachers Meeting." It got put here first by mistake. However, If you are interested in more comments like ths one, go to preachersmeeting.blogspot.com.
Articles on Marriage
Would you like to have an even more blissful relationship than you do now? If your marriage has deteriorated over the years, would you like to have some keys to help you to restore your relationship? The goal would not be to just get back to a tolerable situation, but to get to a great relationship! You can also make a good marriage great, and a great marriage even better!
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Don't just have a tolerable marriage, have a great marriage!

Two resources can help:
The Loving Way to a Successful Marriage: Six Keys to Marital Bliss is one, and Secrets of Marital Bliss is another.
Don't just have a tolerable marriage, have a great marriage!
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